Prescribing Strategies
This advanced course on prescribing strategies in homeopathy will enable you to analyse and make effective use of the information collected during the consultation, to sort and select the characteristic symptoms of the case, to master and use the different prescribing strategies to find the similimum, to choose the appropriate potency to start and continue the treatment.
Illustrated by numerous case studies, this course also introduces the Vithoulkas Compass, an essential software for repertorisation and prescription.
This unique methodology, developed by Prof. Vithoulkas (Alternative Nobel Prize and most awarded homeopath) is used worldwide. It provides clarity and accuracy in prescribing, allowing homeopaths to perform their work with confidence, to boost their success rate and treat complex cases.
In today's situation of increasing co-morbidities, chronic conditions and degenerative diseases, the task of the homeopath is even more difficult as the symptomatology is unclear, and finding the simillimum has become a daunting if not impossible task if one does not have the right tools.
This groundbreaking methodology allows you to understand the different layers of remedies present in a patient and to plan your treatment effectively.
Reminders on the case analysis
- role of prognosis
- elements to consider
- Reminder on assessment, hierarchy and ranking of symptoms
- Introduction to the Vithoulkas Compass expert system
Prescribing strategies
- the different strategies
- methodology and use
- differentiation of remedies